1/3 cup of olive oil

2.5 qts white pea (navy) beans
8 large onions, chopped
5 squash
1 head celery, diced
2 # carrot, diced
1-2 heads garlic
1/4 teaspoon clove
salt and pepper

bouqet garni:
heaping tablespoon rosemary
heaping tablespoon caraway
5 bay leaves

Soak 2.5 qts. of pea beans in water overnight. The next morning pour off remaining water. Fill pot with fresh water and bring to a boil. Keep at low boil until tender.

Roast whole heads of garlic in oven.

Sauté chopped onions in olive oil. When onions are transparent, add garlic, chopped celery, carrots, and squash. Add clove, salt, and pepper. Wrap rosemary, fennel, and bay leaves in cheesecloth: secure with a twist tie. Add to pot. Cook until vegetables are tender.

When beans are thoroughly cooked, remove garlic. Pulverise 30% of the beans with a masher. Add beans to vegetables; add liquid, if necessary, to cover.

Remove bouqet garni before serving.


This recipe was written for the professional kitchen -- with a minimum of instruction. Note also that this recipe makes approximately 3 gallons of soup. Adapt accordingly for your own needs.

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