Choklay's Lentil

18 cups dried lentils

1/3 C canola oil
6 large onions, chopped
12 cloves garlic, crushed and chopped
2 can peeled tomatoes
8 carrots, chopped
1 bunch celery, chopped
12 potatoes, peeled and cubed
4 chile peppers, minced
3 Tbsp corainder
4 tsp cumin
2 Tbsp turmeric
1 bunch fresh cilantro

Put lentils and turmeric in 8 qts of water and bring to a boil; reduce heat and keep at a slow boil until fully cooked. Remove from heat.

Sauté onions in oil until transparent. Add cumin and coriander. Add garlic, potatoes, carrots, chilies and celery. Stir. Cook at medium heat until vegetables are nearly tender. Add tomatoes.

When all vegetables are fully cooked combine with lentils. Add water, if necessary, to bring to the proper consistency. Add salt to taste.


This recipe was written for the professional kitchen -- with a minimum of instruction. Note also that this recipe makes approximately 80 servings. Adapt accordingly for your own needs.

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