East African Stew


Serves 6-8


1 big onion, chopped

1-2 Tbsp ginger root, finely chopped

1 chili peppers, finely chopped

3 cloves garlic, crushed


Sauté the above in 1-2 Tbsp canola or other neutrally flavored oil.


When onions are soft and translucent, stir in the following:


¼ tsp ground cumin

¼ tsp ground coriander

¼ tsp curry powder



Sauté the spices briefly, then add:


3 cups yams, cubed

1 eggplant, peeled and cubed

2 cups green cabbage, chopped


Sauté for a couple minutes stirring often to prevent sticking. Beware: these vegetables are in great danger of sticking. Add enough room temperature water to nearly cover the vegetables. When the cabbage has wilted a little, and the eggplant begins to grow transparent, add the following:


6 generous leaves of kale, chopped

1 big green bell pepper, chopped

1 big can(20oz?) chopped tomatoes


Now you’ll put the lid on the pot and cook at moderate heat until everything is suitably cooked, probably about an hour. Keep your eye on it and stir from the bottom often.


Now flavor with the juice of one lemon or lime(I’d go with lime, Choklay suggested lemon), ¼ cup peanut butter, honey and salt to taste. Finish with chopped cilantro.


That ought to do it. If it’s too thick, add water, then readjust the flavorings. Good luck!


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